Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Meningitis/Bexero, back in the news

Meningitis an meningococcal disease in college age students made a splash last year, previously discussed in this blog
http://vaccinedepot.blogspot.com/2013/11/princetonmeningitis.html and

It's back in the news with 4 cases reported at UC Santa Barbara, and tragically, one of the students suffered a complication associated with meningoccocal disease and had to have partial amputation of two legs as a result (#1); The tone of the CNN article is replete with assumptions about the need for, and efficacy of, vaccines. It's understandable that his parents would react in this way as it is received wisdom that vaccines are safe and effective - it's a mantra that is repeated ad nauseum.

And yet Bexero, framed as a drug that will rescue campus denizen's from any risk of meningitis has yet to demonstrate clinical efficacy (#2, page 4);

Apparently >5,000 people have been vaccinated at Princeton, in response to 8 cases over >6 months - who paid for this, and is this rational? Students at UCSB were given antibiotics prophylactically - is a vaccine even necessary?

How many of those vaccinated at Princeton were aware that Bexero's approval by the FDA was provisional, and that it's use at Princeton will be a goldmine of post-marketing surveillance for Novartis? Were they told they could report any adverse reactions to VAERS? Were they told that this vaccine has never demonstrated clinical efficacy and that any antibody produced does not last long, that the presence of an antibody does not automatically mean "protection" against infection? Were they advised that if they have an adverse reaction to the vaccine that the manufacturer and those provided the vaccine are legally immune (vaccinated!) against being held responsible?

The following is quoted from a post by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny (#3), and is good general advice:

Here are a list of the most important things you can encourage your college teen to do:
  • Get more sleep, eat better food, get fresh air – hard to do in college, but a good habit to adopt as a life-time skill.
  • Don’t share food, glasses, water bottles, or eating utensils.
  • Don’t share tissues or towels.
  • Don’t share lip-gloss or lipstick.
  • Wash hands often with soap and water.
  • If you have had close contact with a person who has had a fever and meningitis is suspected, a 7-day course of prophylactic antibiotics — given with a good quality probiotic — may be prudent.
The bacteria that cause meningococcal meningitis live in the back of the nose and throat and are carried by 10% to 25% of the population. Gargling or washing out the nasal passages with colloidal silver or with a Lugol’s solution and a netty pot is a good idea. Taking Vitamin C ascorbates 3000-6000mg/day and keeping your Vitamin D level around 80 IU/ml can both be very supportive to the immune system.
All of these suggestions are better than acquiescing to an unproven vaccine with possibly serious, long term autoimmune consequences. Think Before You Vaccinate — Health Does Not Come Through a Needle.

I absolutely agree with Dr. Tenpenny - we should "think before we vaccinate, and health does not come through a needle." You can always chose to vaccinate, but you can never un-vaccinate. Even if vaccination is partially effective, you cannot eliminate all risk of disease, and I am not convinced that any benefit derived from vaccines is greater than the risk - especially since I am convinced we do not know the long-term risks of vaccination.

BTW ... if you're going to use a netty pot, be sure that you use distilled water, NOT tap water, as it is not sterile and can contain bacteria or protozoa/amoeba's that may not be a problem in your gut (unless you are immuno-compromised), but can most definitely cause problems when flushed through the mucous membranes of your nose (#4);

The free market works, when it is free ... those who want a vaccine should get it, but vaccination should not be mandatory.





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