Saturday, May 10, 2014



Some of the ingredients in vaccines are common to other products or are found in other substances/foods/medicines that we use, some daily.

What's odd is that there is concern expressed about the danger these ingredients cause when in these other products, but not the risk caused by these same ingredients when used in vaccines.

For example, most seafood is contaminated with mercury. While it is good to be aware of the risk of mercury in fish, and to consider modifying how much fish you eat, or what fish you eat in order to minimize or manage this risk, why is there no concern about the mercury in vaccines – or why did it require tremendous public outcry before it was addressed? You may hear that there is no more mercury (thimerosal) in vaccines – this simply is not true. There is mercury/thimerosal in most flu vaccines, and in others as well – it is important to educate yourself prior to deciding if you want a vaccine for yourself or your child – read the vaccine package inserts, not simply the Vaccine Information Sheet (VIS), click on the “Vaccine Links” page/tab of this blog for other websites providing information about vaccines. Consider both sides of the issue and decide what is best for your health.

Formaldehyde is also an ingredient in many vaccines – used to “kill” or “deactivate” the antigen/virus/bacteria … according to the CDC it is present only in “trace” amounts. We don't know how many times we can be exposed to “trace” amounts of a carcinogen before the repeated exposure can/will be part of the process that triggers the development of an actual cancer. This is a legitimate concern because vaccines at best provide temporary risk reduction (they do not protect – different concept, and not synonymous), so to maintain the risk reduction one needs to be vaccinated multiple times throughout a lifetime – multiply that with multiple vaccines and/or multiple doses and “trace” amounts may not be so trace! Should we be worried about formaldehyde as a chemical in second-hand smoke (whether of regular cigarettes or e-cigarettes), but not concerned about exposure to formaldehyde from/in vaccines?

Other ingredients that may be of concern (and this is a partial list):

Neomycin (Polio – IPV Ipol, Rabies - RabAvert)
Streptomycin (Polio – IPV Ipol)

Neomycin and Streptomycin are both antibiotics – they may be in the vaccine as a way to reduce risk of bacterial contamination (one of the reasons for thimerosal). One can only wonder if exposure via vaccines might predispose someone to an allergic reaction if later exposed to these antibiotics at a later time (for the purpose of treating an infection). 

As always – if you think the benefit of a vaccine is greater than the risk, get vaccinated. And if you think the risk is more than the benefit, decline.

The decision should always be yours, and yours alone.

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