Advocates of vaccines maintain that because vaccines are "safe and effective" it is "unethical" not to "offer" vaccination. It gets slightly bizarro because vaccines are not "offered" - they are mandated. They are required for school, and increasingly, for work.
But those who hold a different view on vaccination - who wish to actually chose whether they will, or will not receive them keep requesting health researchers do the types of studies that will actually demonstrate the real safety and efficacy of vaccines - namely, randomized double-blind "controlled" studies that use a genuine placebo.
There are some who wonder if the push to mandate vaccines as a condition of participation in common societal activities (ie: school and/or work) is to eliminate the control group - the unvaccinated so researchers can continue comparing like to like and thus continue getting "results" that presumably, allegedly support vaccination. If research were done like this on virtually any other product it would be rightfully placed in the round file as it does not meet the standard for evidence based medicine.
Those who advocate for health/medical freedom in the decision to determine what medical procedures you (or your minor child) participates in or receives feel vindicated that the vaccine research community refuses to do randomized double-blind placebo controlled research - the question is left begging, "what are they afraid of"? The refusal to do this kind of research is taken as an indirect validation of their experience of vaccines as agents that cause disease rather than prevent it ... validation that their suspicions and concerns about vaccines are correct.
It is because of this stand-off between the two positions that I think it is unethical NOT to do multiple studies comparing the health (short and long term) between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated - with the definition of "unvaccinated" being "having received NO vaccinations" not merely "not receiving the vaccine in question."
We deserve so much better. Our researchers are capable of doing this but they lack the will, the motivation, because the gravy train (money) supports maintaining the status quo.
But even if gold-standard research were done "proving" that vaccines are safe and effective there would be no reason to force people to use them. It should still be a decision that is made without coercion or manipulation or force.
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