Saturday, April 15, 2017

The Truth About Vaccines, Episode #4

Tonight is #4 of 7 in the series - here is what to expect as you watch: 

More information on the flu vaccine, the HIB vaccine (a particular type of flu that primarily affects children) and pneumococcal vaccine. The topic of "herd immunity" will also be discussed. 

Please do not use my "cliff notes" as a substitute - they are intended to peak your curiosity to check it out for yourself - this is not a transcription! Besides, it's free (for now - you can also certainly buy the entire series to watch at your leisure). 

Here is a link to tonight's episode where you can also buy a copy of the series.  (not an affiliate link). 

Flu vaccine 
One of the most common vaccines given. 

Neil Miller reviews stats on flu deaths and how they are likely inflated. This is primarily because the CDC combines deaths from flu and pneumonia - and the majority of this number is comprised of pneumonia (and many of these people had pre-existing conditions making them more vulnerable to death). 

Dr. Suzanne Humphries discussed two articles (the titles are shown and large enough to read) that imply receipt of the flu vaccine may not be as life-saving as the CDC says it is but may actually be harmful. 

First study: Hayward (primary author)
Natural T-Cell-mediate Protection against Seasonal and Pandemic Influenza. 
(only the top half of the page was displayed, though this will likely be sufficient to get a link to the study or for a librarian to be able to obtain a copy). 

Second study: Bodewes (primary author)
Annual Vaccination against Influenza Virus Hampers Development of Virus-Specific CD8+ 
T Cell Immunity in Children
2011 PMID: 21880755 
Journal of Virology, Nov 2011, pages 11995-12000; Vol 85, No 22. 
(for this one every bit of information necessary to get a copy was prominently displayed. I can only hope this will be the norm throughout the rest of the series as this is how it should be done). 

The Cochrane Collaboration - independent international organization evaluating medical research.
Per them - reliable evidence for the flu vaccine is thin. 

2009 WHO changed the definition of a pandemic to sell vaccines/flu meds (Tamiflu) - yet
the advisors making these recommendations were set to benefit financially from this. 

Cochrane conclusions about the efficacy of flu shots for young children (age 6 month to 2+ years) are not encouraging - as in, why bother. Yet flu vaccine is recommended for everyone age 6 months and up. 

Bottom line - for all age groups for which it has been examined there is a complete paucity of evidence of any benefit in using the flu vaccine. Risk, and expense, but virtually no benefit. 

The package insert of FluLaval acknowledges there are no studies demonstrating it is effective at decreasing flu infection. Doesn't that make you want to roll up your sleeve?! 

Cowling (primary author) 2012 (this is available full text, for free)
Clinical Infectious Diseases
Increased risk of non-influenza respiratory virus infections associated with receipt of inactivated influenza vaccine. 
This study used an actual placebo (saline) - a 4-5x higher incidence of non-influenza viral infections in the vaccinated. So not much risk reduction (if any) against the flu, but a higher risk of being sick from something else. Step right up, get your "safe and effective" vaccine! 

More discussion of mercury in vaccines. 

Vaccine 2011 or 2012
Inflammatory responses to trivalent influenza virus vaccine among pregnant women. 
(hard to read further detail that might help get this study)

Generic reference (no citations) that exposure to inflammatory markers during fetal development is associated with autism. 

Flu vaccine is considered hazardous waste and must be treated as such (because of the thimerosal in the multi-dose vials) - if it breaks the building is to be evacuated so haz mat teams can come in with moon suits and respirators to clean it up (yet we are injecting this into our bodies?) 

50,000 parts per billion mercury in a multi-dose vial. 
2 parts per billion is the EPA limit for drinking water. 
200 parts per billion would label something toxic waste. 

Dr. Suzanne Humphries tells how she saw the correlation between flu shot and her patients (both in patient and out patient) having bad outcomes.(I encourage you to read both her books - Dissolving Illusions and Rising From the Dead). 

First Flu is Forever
Nov 11, 2016 
"The first influenza attack that a child suffers can affect the way that their lifelong immunity to the virus builds up." So - perhaps getting sick is not the worst thing that can happen to us. 

Dr Paul Thomas discusses "quality measures" - a way doctors are judged to determine if they are practicing good medicine. Lots of pressure to conform to a one-size fits all schedule. If you vaccinate, but not according to the CDC schedule, they are deemed to be "not vaccinating" and their score is lower. 

Healthcare professionals are fired for not taking a flu shot. 

There are financial incentives to have patients comply with vaccine schedules. Doctors are punished financially if their patients are not vaccinated. 

Vaccines are huge money makers for physicians (especially pediatricians). 

HIB: Haemophilus Influenza B vaccine
Prevnar: pneumococcal vaccine 
Both are meant to reduce risk for types of meningitis 
Dr. Paul Thomas discusses both of these vaccines. 

Food allergies - definitely on the rise. 
There are food proteins in vaccines and other medications. 
Vit K (given at birth to all infants) - contains egg protein and castor oil. Castor oil can cross react with peanuts and tree nuts. 
HIB vaccines - can contain peanut oil in the adjuvants. The HIB bacterium in terms of molecular weight and other factors is similar to peanuts. 

Vit K - given to infants at birth. Not a vaccine, but a routine medical procedure. The primary purpose of this is to reduce risk of brain bleeds. Newborns do not have the same amount of Vit K in their bodies as adults. Vit K is obtained by diet and also made by some bacteria in the gut (and newborns guts are not yet colonized with these bacteria). Vit K is necessary for blood clotting. The levels do rise slowly in the first weeks of life (no doubt this is among the reasons why The Lord instructed Moses to circumcise boys at 8 days of life rather than earlier). But why are we comparing newborns to adults (ie: in terms of levels of this vitamin)? 

Studies listed implying an increased risk of some childhood cancers linked with receipt of Vit K as a newborn. 

Once again, it seems the primary issue is to give parents the information and let them make a decision about what risk/benefit ration they are willing to live with. 

Prevnar - once the 7 valent was introduced there was a shift in the prevalence and virulence of strains of the bacteria (there are more than 90) so now it is Prevnar 13 and the same phenomenon is occurring. 

For the Prevnar 13 vaccine study the "placebo" was Prevnar 7. For the Prevnar 7 vaccine study the "placebo" was an investigational meningococcal vaccine - so it has never been studied with a true placebo. 

Discussion of tylenol and its impact on glutathione (a master detox chemical in the liver). 
Negative effects of tylenol is magnified by testosterone (and might this be one reason why there is more autism in boys?) 

Dr. Margules exhorts listeners to look beyond the headline of a study, read more than just the abstract but look also at the details of a study - good advice! We all need to do the work. 

An infant's immune system does not fully develop until age 2-3 years old. That is one reason why they must be immunized multiple times. 

Most countries do not vaccinate any where near as heavily as the US does. 

Neil Miller discusses his study examining the correlation between doses of vaccines and the infant mortality rate (hint: more vaccines, higher IMR). 
The US is 34th for infant mortality (33 nations have better outcomes for their infants). 

Brief discussion of the Nuremberg Code and various dictators and their tactics and the similarities to the use of vaccines - of forcing people to use them.

Herd Immunity 
The premise of so-called "herd immunity" is also discussed. One of the basic tenets is that the primary mode of transmission of infectious illness is through the unvaccinated. 

This segment was woefully under-explored ... there is far more to this concept than what they discussed, including why this theory does not work with vaccines. Perhaps it will be more thoroughly covered in another episode. 
Barbara Loe Fisher states that vaccine mediated immunity against pertussis is an illusion because the risk reduction is very temporary (may be as low as two years) and the bacteria has changed in response to wide-spread use of the vaccine.

Disease can be spread by asymptomatic carriers (including the vaccinated).

Margules is a voice of reason - we should not be trusting government with our children's health (or our own!) - parents, trust yourselves and find a health care provider with whom you can have a collaborative relationship.

Have you been watching? What do you think of the content?

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