Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Bad consequences can come from spontaneous infection.
Good outcomes can happen after spontaneous infection.

Vaccines can provide temporary risk reduction without apparent adverse effect.
Vaccines can cause both short and long-term problems (minor and serious).

All of the above are true - and this is why there should be no mandates. People should be able to choose which risk they are willing to accept. And this would be infinitely easier if we had information we could trust. But alas, we do not. 

I used to believe "safe and effective" - now I am convinced there is far more to this than any of us have been told and I do not believe we have complete or accurate information about vaccines - for either their efficacy or their safety. 

We are entirely capable of doing the kind of research that would provide us with accurate information - but doing so would require breaking paradigms and setting aside agenda$. 

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