Please watch and listen:
There are many #crazymothers out there - she is not alone.
And there are #crazyclinicians (they tend to go underground!). If you see a healthcare professional sporting a face mask and they are not in surgery or have not just stepped out of the OR you might have spotted a #crazyclinician.
It's the #vaccinereligious I really worry about - they scare me because this cult demands everyone join whether they want to or not. They are not crazy - they are insane, and in my opinion, out of touch with reality. If we had any kind of rationality around this issue we would actually be doing the kinds of studies that would provide the kind of data we need to **know** if vaccines are safe and effective, or, as so many suspect (myself included) may actually be doing more harm than good. When you consider the Simpsonwood transcripts and the testimony of #CDCwhistleblower Dr. Bill Thompson (you can hear that in the documentary, Vaxxed) the insanity is willful and deliberate. That should terrify any sane person.
We need more of her kind of crazy.
It isn't stupid to see harmful after effects following vaccination and wonder if the vaccine had something to do with it - that's observant, and mothers, especially #crazymothers, are excellent observers of their children (I think it has something to do with the fact that they actually love them, unlike the #vaccinereligious who do not know their children but benefit financially from their involuntary induction into the cult of vaccination).
Are you a #crazymother?
Are you a #crazyclinician?